Chart Configuration
Parameter | Description | Default |
primehub.scheme | The url scheme for primehub | http |
primehub.domain | The url domain for primehub. Cannot be a ip address. | required |
primehub.port | The url port for primehub | no port in url |
primehub.keycloak.scheme | The url scheme for keycloak | http |
primehub.keycloak.domain | The url domain for keycloak. Cannot be a ip address. | required |
primehub.keycloak.port | The url port for keycloak | no port in url |
primehub.keycloak.username | The master username for keycloak master realm | keycloak |
primehub.keycloak.password | The master password for keycloak master realm | required |
primehub.keycloak.maxFreeSockets | Maximum number of sockets (per host) to leave open in a free state | 10 |
primehub.keycloak.maxSockets | Maximum number of sockets to allow per host | 80 |
primehub.keycloak.realm | The keycloak realm for primehub | primehub |
primehub.keycloak.clientId | The keycloak client id for primehub | admin-ui |
primehub.keycloak.rolePrefix | The prefix of roles for the resource-group binding | "" |
primehub.sharedVolumeStorageClass | The storage class for shared volume. If the value is empty string "" , it means to use groupvolume to provision shared volume | "" |
ingress.annotations | Annotations for ingress | {} |
ingress.hosts | a list of ingress hosts | [] |
ingress.tls | a list of ingress tls items | [] |
console.locale | The language of console | en |
console.portalConfig | The configuration of portal | Please see values.yaml |
console.readOnlyOnInstanceTypeAndImage | Whether we only allow read operations and group-assignment on instanceType/image form | false |
console.replicas | The number of primehub console replicas | 1 |
console.image.repository | The primehub console image repository | infuseai/canner-admin-server |
console.image.tag | The primehub console image tag | Please see values.yaml |
console.image.pullPolicy | The primehub console image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
console.image.credentials.* | The credential for primehub console image | null |
console.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
console.nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
console.affinity | Pod affinitiy | [] |
console.tolerations | Node taints to tolerate | {} |
graphql.sharedGraphqlSecret | Secret key to request read-only graphql with. Client should put this shared key in header Authorization: Bearer <SHARED_GRAPHQL_SECRET_KEY> | required |
graphql.playgroundEnabled | Enable the graphql playground | false |
graphql.apolloTracing | Enable appolo tracing | false |
graphql.defaultUserVolumeCapacity | Default user volume capacity | 20G |
graphql.replicas | The number of graphql server replicas | 1 |
graphql.image.repository | The graphql server image repository | infuseai/canner-graphql-server |
graphql.image.tag | The graphql server image tag | Please see values.yaml |
graphql.image.pullPolicy | The graphql server image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
graphql.image.credentials.* | The credential for graphql server image | null |
graphql.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
graphql.nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
graphql.affinity | Pod affinitiy | [] |
graphql.tolerations | Node taints to tolerate | {} |
watcher.replicas | The number of watcher replicas | 1 |
watcher.image.credentials.* | The credential for watcher image | null |
watcher.image.repository | The watcher image repository | infuseai/canner-watcher |
watcher.image.tag | The watcher image tag | Please see values.yaml |
watcher.image.pullPolicy | The watcher image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
watcher.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
watcher.nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
watcher.affinity | Pod affinitiy | [] |
watcher.tolerations | Node taints to tolerate | {} |
admission.image.repository | The admission webhook image repository | infuseai/primehub-admission |
admission.image.tag | The admission webhook image tag | Please see values.yaml |
admission.image.pullPolicy | The admission webhook image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
admission.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
bootstrap.enabled | If bootstrap job is enabled. | true |
bootstrap.username | The name of admin user | phadmin |
bootstrap.password | The password of admin user | random generated | | The group of the init user | phusers |
bootstrap.image.repository | The bootstrap image repository | infuseai/primehub-bootstrap |
bootstrap.image.tag | The bootstrap image tag | Please see values.yaml |
bootstrap.image.pullPolicy | The bootstrap image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
bootstrap.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
controller.replicaCount | The number of primehub controller replicas | 1 |
controller.image.repository | The primehub controller image repository | infuseai/primehub-controller-ee |
controller.image.tag | The primehub controller image tag | Please see values.yaml |
controller.nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
controller.proxy.image.repository | The kube-rbac-proxy image repository | |
controller.proxy.image.tag | The kube-rbac-proxy image tag | Please see values.yaml |
controller.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
controller.affinity | Pod affinitiy | [] |
controller.tolerations | Node taints to tolerate | {} |
groupvolume.enabled | If enabl the groupvolume controller | true |
groupvolume.storageClass | The storage class of the NFS underlying pvc | Required if enabled |
groupvolume.replicas | The number of metacontroller webhook replicas | 1 |
groupvolume.image.repository | The metacontroller webhook image repository | metacontroller/jsonnetd |
groupvolume.image.tag | The metacontroller webhook image tag | Please see values.yaml |
groupvolume.image.pullPolicy | The metacontroller webhook image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
groupvolume.nfs.image.repository | The NFS image repository | |
groupvolume.nfs.image.tag | The NFS image tag | Please see values.yaml |
groupvolume.nfs.image.pullPolicy | The NFS image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
groupvolume.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
groupvolume.nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
groupvolume.affinity | Pod affinitiy | [] |
groupvolume.tolerations | Node taints to tolerate | {} |
gitsync.enabled | If enable the gitsync controller | true |
gitsync.replicas | The number of metacontroller webhook replicas | 1 |
gitsync.image.repository | The metacontroller webhook image repository | metacontroller/jsonnetd |
gitsync.image.tag | The metacontroller webhook image tag | Please see values.yaml |
gitsync.image.pullPolicy | The metacontroller webhook image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
gitsync.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
gitsync.nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
gitsync.tolerations | Node taints to tolerate | {} |
gitsync.affinity | Pod affinitiy | [] |
gitsync.daemonset.delayInit | Enable random init delay for gitsync container. It prevent from pulling data at the same time. | false |
gitsync.daemonset.image.repository | The gitsync image repository | |
gitsync.daemonset.image.tag | The gitsync image tag | Please see values.yaml |
gitsync.daemonset.image.pullPolicy | The gitsync image tag pull policy | IfNotPresent |
jupyterhub.* | The configuration of zero-to-jupyterhub chart | Please see values.yaml |
jupyterhub.primehub.keycloakClientId | jupyterhub | |
jupyterhub.primehub.scopeRequired | The keycloak scope is required to use jupyterhub | "" |
jupyterhub.primehub.startnotebook | A map to inject the start notebook scripts. The key is the filename, the value is the script content | {} |
jupyterhub.primehub.startNotebookConfigMap | The configmap name for start notebook scripts | start-notebook-d |
jupyterhub.primehub.kernelGateway | If kerenel gateway enabled | false |
jupyterhub.primehub.authRefreshAge | The authentication refresh rate. | -1 |
jupyterhub.primehub.node-affinity-preferred | The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
jupyterhub.primehub.node-affinity-required | The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
jupyterhub.primehub.pod-affinity-preferred | The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
jupyterhub.primehub.pod-affinity-required | The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
jupyterhub.primehub.pod-anti-affinity-preferred | The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
jupyterhub.primehub.pod-anti-affinity-required | The affinity setting for jupyter notebook | [] |
datasetUpload.enabled | If dataset upload server enabled | true |
datasetUpload.interface.tusdImage.repository | The dataset upload tusd image repository | infuseai/tusd |
datasetUpload.interface.tusdImage.tag | The dataset upload tusd image tag | Please see values.yaml |
datasetUpload.interface.tusdImage.pullPolicy | The dataset upload tusd image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
datasetUpload.interface.tusdImage.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
datasetUpload.interface.webFrontEndImage.repository | The dataset upload frontend image repository | infuseai/dataset-upload-web-front-end |
datasetUpload.interface.webFrontEndImage.tag | The dataset upload frontend image tag | Please see values.yaml |
datasetUpload.interface.webFrontEndImage.pullPolicy | The dataset upload frontend image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
datasetUpload.interface.webFrontEndImage.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
datasetUpload.metacontrollerHooks.replicas | The number of metacontroller webhook replicas | 1 |
datasetUpload.metacontrollerHooks.image.repository | The metacontroller webhook image repository | metacontroller/jsonnetd |
datasetUpload.metacontrollerHooks.image.tag | The metacontroller webhook image tag | Please see values.yaml |
datasetUpload.metacontrollerHooks.image.pullPolicy | The metacontroller webhook image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
customImage.enabled | If image builder enabled | false |
customImage.registryEndpoint | The endpoint of the registry server. docker login <server> | required if enabled |
customImage.registryUsername | The username of the registry server. | required if enabled |
customImage.registryPassword | The password of the registry server. | required if enabled |
customImage.pushRepoPrefix | The repository prefix for all built images. The built image will be <prefix>/my-image-name:<hash> | required if enabled |
jobSubmission.enabled | Enable the job submission | false |
jobSubmission.workingDirSize | The size of ephemeral storage for working directory. The format of unit is defined in kubernetes document | 5Gi |
jobSubmission.defaultActiveDeadlineSeconds | Default timeout (seconds) for a running job | 86400 |
jobSubmission.defaultTTLSecondsAfterFinished | Default TTL (seconds) to delete the pod for a finished job | 604800 |
jobSubmission.nodeSelector | The default node selector for the underlying pod | {} |
jobSubmission.affinity | The default affinity setting for the underlying pod | {} |
jobSubmission.tolerations | The default tolerations setting for the underlying pod | [] |
adminNotebook.enabled | false | |
adminNotebook.replicaCount | The number of admin notebook replicas | 1 |
adminNotebook.image.repository | The admin noteoobk image repository | infuseai/primehub-admin-notebook |
adminNotebook.image.tag | The admin noteoobk image tag | Please see values.yaml |
adminNotebook.image.pullPolicy | The admin noteoobk image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
adminNotebook.resources | Pod resource requests and limits | Please see values.yaml |
adminNotebook.nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
adminNotebook.affinity | Pod affinitiy | [] |
adminNotebook.tolerations | Node taints to tolerate | {} |
keycloakGateway.image.repository | The keycloak gateway image repository | infuseai/primehub-admin-notebook |
keycloakGateway.image.tag | The keycloak gateway image tag | Please see values.yaml |
Advanced Settings
Start Notebook Script
To run a script for each notebook startup, you can configure in this way. Note that this script is run under root
startnotebook: |
echo "hello"
echo "world"
Registry Password for Image Builder
If the registry password contains multiple lines, for example, the json keyfile from GCR (Google Container Registry). You can configure in this way.
registryUsername: _json_key
registryPassword: |-
Please note the |-
string, it's required for multiple line string in yaml format.