repo2docker image
PrimeHub could support notebook images built from repo2docker tool, if an images had
installed- jovyan user is
uid - notebook started in
Safe Mode
Please install repo2docker tool, before you get started.
Introduce repo2docker
repo2docker is a tool to simplify building a jupyter-notebook based image without giving a Dockerfile. We could put configuration files to make it working with repo2docker.
Build a PrimeHub compatible image
We will use binder-examples to show how to make it compatible with PrimeHub
git clone
In order to make it work on the PrimeHub, we need to add sudo
package. It needs an apt.txt
file with this content:
After adding sudo, it is time to build an image with jupyter-repo2docker
- set user with
--user-name jovyan
- set user uid with
--user-id 1000
- configure the docker image tag by
jupyter-repo2docker --no-run --user-name jovyan --user-id 1000 \
--image infuseai/tensorboard-repo2docker-example .
If the command will invoke docker to build an image, you could push the image to docker repository and register it on the PrimeHub.
Launch notebook
Users should start a notebook built from repo2docker in Safe Mode
, because it might have installed libraries in the $HOME
Example: RStudio binder
We could follow steps to build a Jupyter Notebook with RStudio:
- Ensure repo2docker installed
- Clone the source code and add
- Build image with arguments
--user-name jovyan --user-id 1000
- Add image to PrimeHub and start in
Safe Mode
Check repo2docker
Execute jupyter-repo2docker
command to see if any output from the command
$ jupyter-repo2docker --help | head -10
usage: jupyter-repo2docker [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--json-logs]
[--image-name IMAGE_NAME] [--ref REF] [--debug]
[--build-memory-limit BUILD_MEMORY_LIMIT]
[--no-run] [--publish PORTS] [--publish-all]
[--no-clean] [--push] [--volume VOLUMES]
[--user-id USER_ID] [--user-name USER_NAME]
[--env ENVIRONMENT] [--editable]
[--target-repo-dir TARGET_REPO_DIR]
[--appendix APPENDIX] [--subdir SUBDIR] [--version]
If command not found
, please install it by pip install jupyter-repo2docker
command not found: jupyter-repo2docker
Update configuration
Clone the source code
git clone
In the source, create apt.txt
and add sudo
in a line
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
$ cat apt.txt
Build image
Build a image with the tag infuseai/r
in the source directory (.
jupyter-repo2docker --no-run --no-clean --user-name jovyan --user-id 1000 --push --image infuseai/r .
Add Image to PrimeHub
After the image taggedinfuseai/r
is pushed, add it to the PrimeHub and start Notebook with the image in Safe Mode
. Initially, it enters a general Jupyter Notebook.
For the RStudio environment, we must add the following at the end of the URL:
according to the README.
Regarding accessing RStudio, the current URL looks like<username>/lab
Replace the suffix lab
with rstudio
to be like URL below and navigate.<username>/rstudio
Here the RStudio is