PrimeHub Quickstart
1-Minute PrimeHub Demo
In this quickstart, we will learn how to use a Notebook to train/generate a simple model. Then, in the follow-up guide, we will learn how to submit a parameter-tuning job for the model tuning from same Notebook.
- Notebook is a fundamental feature of Community/Enterprise editions.
- Jobs is a feature of Enterprise edition.
Training a model on Notebook
What we need?
The image
An instance type >= minimal requirement (CPU=1, GPU=0, Mem=2G)
The prepared notebook file:
Download my_model.ipynb
Choose a group with enabled Shared Volume (a.k.a Group Volume)
Please have the image, the instance type on PrimeHub or request administrators for the assistance before we start.
- Enter Notebook from User Portal, select the image, the instance type and start a notebook.
From File Browser of Notebook, navigate into the directory of
which is a Group Volume; here data-team is our working group.While inside the group volume, copy/drag the downloaded
there in File Browser and open it.Run All Cells, it will save the model file
at the local.
So far, we have trained and generated a model file via our Notebook. This is achievable in both Community and Enterprise editions of PrimeHub.
The next stage, parameter-tuning job, is for Enterprise users. Keep your Notebook environment open, and let's continue on...
Parameter-tuning Job
What we need?
The same image as above
The same instance type as above
API Token
The prepared notebook file of the example
Download tune_params.ipynb
While inside the group volume, copy/drag the downloaded
and open it.Click on Cell 4, from Property Inspector, we can see the notebook has set
as aparameter
See Papermill site ⇗ for the detail of Parameterize.
Back to PrimeHub tab, hover over Profile icon, generate a API Token and copy it.
Back to Notebook tab, click
dropdown on the toolbar of the opened notebook, select API Token and paste the generated token here.Click
dropdown again and selectSubmit Notebook as Job
this time.Select the instance type and the image; fill in
Job Name
tune_params_epoch_tf andFill in
Notebook Parameters
with the code below due toepoch
is parameterized.epoch = 2
Back to PrimeHub tab, enter Jobs and check the job
we submitted.Once the job succeeded, back to Notebook, we can find a notebook
of output by the job and the overwrittenmy_model.h5
after tuning.
We now have walked through a typical flow of training and saving a simple model file, then submitting a job of tuning the generated on Notebook. In a real project, we may want to use various combinations of jobs and notebooks to pipeline repeatable workflows.
What's Next?
As Enterprise users, we desperately want to verify the performance of our model, therefore, we can deploy models as services and query the services with testing data.