Getting Started
PrimeHub is based on team/group-centric design that every user must be associated with one Group at least before using features. Initially there are a user phadmin
who has admin privileges associated with a group phusers
Also, resources such as image, instance type, dataset must be associated with one Group at least or be Global before being chosen.
PrimeHub v3, furthermore, enhances this concept by introducing Group-Context design.
Initial PrimeHub has a built-in user phadmin
, a built-in group phusers
, several instance types/image which are set Global. A user can launch a notebook quickly by using these resources.
To add/delete/edit users, groups and other resources, users are required to switch to Admin Portal, use administration features there to achieve it.
A current working project-group is required to be specified from associated groups of users; users can switch working groups to have the different context.
Accordingly, the context/the operations are retained within the working group.
feature andModels
feature, these features present/operate items only within the current working group. Furthermore, user-operations, such as submitting jobs, creating job schedule and serving models, are also performed within the current working group correspondingly.Notebook will be launched within the current working group by default.
Context are independently from groups.
Here are documents to guide you to launch a notebook, to submit jobs, to deploy models via features on User Portal and so on.